Literary gathering with author Edmund Borzemski

On Tuesday, 15 June, in the garden of the Voivodeship Public Library in Opole, took place a literary gathering with Edmund Borzemski, poet, historian, literary critic and former employee of our Museum, who still collaborates with us.

The attendants of the evening meeting, among whom was Dr. Renata Kobylarz-Buła, Deputy Director of the Museum, got acquainted with the latest poetry book of Edmund Borzemski, Hieroglify drogi [Hieroglyphs of the Road] – the same volume from which comes a poem read during last week's "Łambinowice Museum Meeting" (broadcast from the meeting).

Yesterday's gathering was also an opportunity to present the poet with the Opole Province Marshal's Award for Animators and Creators of Culture of 2020. Agnieszka Kamińska, Director of the Department of Culture and Sport, did so on behalf of the Opole Province authorities.

Yesterday's meeting was a feast not only of poetry but also of the poet himself, who was celebrating his birthday.

Dear Friend, Happy birthday to you!

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