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The basis of the publishing activity of the Museum are publications devoted to the POW subject matter, especially to the vicissitudes of Polish soldiers in the years of World War 2 and the issues connected with the functioning of isolation camps in Poland after the War (in particular those located in Opole Silesia). The output of the Museum comprises about 150 works which discuss various aspects of captivity, among others, the manners in which POWs were treated by the Wehrmacht and by the NKVD, forced labor, contacts between POWs and the world outside the camps, cultural-educational, religious and sports activity in the camps. Some of the publications are devoted to the vicissitudes of concrete groups of POWs or present their individual biographies.
Publications of the Museum are of the scientific and popular-science character, including biographies, monographs and resource dissertations. Some of the publications form series (Jeńcy Wojenni 1939–1945. Fakty, Dokumenty, Sylwetki [POWs 1939-1945. Facts, Documents, Profiles]; Katalog Zbiorów [Catalogue of Collections], Szkice z dziejów obozów w Lamsdorf/Łambinowicach. Historia i współczesność [Sketches from the history of the camps in Lamsdorf/Łambinowice. The history and contemporary times], Informacja [Information]). An example of a continuing series is Łambinowicki Rocznik Muzealny [The Łambinowice Museum Yearly], one of the oldest scientific periodicals dealing with this subject matter (published since 1974). Moreover, there are guides, handbooks, volumes of poetry and documentary-educational films on the Museum’s offer of publications. The authors recruit from the Museum’s workers and representatives of various scientific and museum environments both in Poland and abroad. Publications edited by the Museum have been awarded numerous prizes for their high standard of the content and editorial level.