We say our farewells to Janina Domska

It was with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of Dr. Janina Domska. She was a long-time employee of the State Archives in Opole, researcher of the region, author of publications on archival science and the history of Opole Silesia as well as a leading figure in the Association of Niemodlin Region, awarded by the Town Council the honorary title of "The Person of Merit to the Niemodlin Land".

The Doctor collaborated with our Museum on many occasions. Among them stand out her participation in the publishing of the monograph on The camps in Lamsdorf/Łambinowicach (1870-1946), as a co-author of the chapter on The history of Łambinowice in the years 1273-1945. 1273-1945, and the ran by her the September 2017’s "Łambinowice Museum Meeting" entitled "From Lambinowic/Lambinowitz to Łambinowice"

The main object of the historical research conducted by Dr. Janina Domska was the town of her residence - Niemodlin. She devoted to it her most important works, above all her doctoral dissertation defended in 2001 at the University of Wrocław in 2001 entitled The Niemodlin domain (from the mid-16th century to the beginning of the 19th century) and the book Niemodlin. A monograph on the town and community.

We would like to offer our deepest sympathy to the family at this difficult time.

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