We are waiting for your participation in the recitation competition
The Museum and the Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War announce that the finale of the 32nd edition of the Provincial Prisoner-of-War Poetry Recitation Competition ‘Let's not lose our memory’ will be held on 11 April 2025. The competition is addressed to children and youth of primary schools (starting from grade 4) and secondary schools of the Opole Province.
To enter the competition your application should be submitted by 28 March to: Department of Education and Exhibitions, Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War, 4 Muzealna St., 48-316 Łambinowice or via e-mail to: konkursrecytatorski@cmjw.pl with the note: ‘Recitation Competition’. Below are to be found the rules and regulations of the competition, the entry form and a lists of proposed poetic works. We encourage you to familiarise yourself with them and, in case of any doubts, to contact the persons responsible for organising the competition: Dr. Anna Wickiewicz or Dominik Hadas (tel. 77 434 34 75).