The Site of Remembrance in "International Journal of Historical Archaeology"

"Camp archaeology at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice (formally Lamsdorf), Poland" is the title of an article that has been accepted for publication in the prestigious scientific journal International Journal of Historical Archaeology.

The authors of the text are researches who work as part of the project "Science for Society, Society for Science at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice". The article covers the results of the archaeological work conducted at the Remembrance Site in Łambinowice in 2022.

The International Journal of Historical Archaeology has been published since 1997. It features science articles and news from the world of historical archeolgy and related areas of knowledge. The articles allow researches to find and indicate international connections of sites and phenomena.

This year, the archaeological work on the camp sites and war cemeteries will be continued. Its aim is to verify the current state of knowledge about the Lamsdorf POW camps and to expand it.

The Museum is implementing the project with funds from the state budget within the framework of the programme of the Minister of Education and Science "Science for Society", no.: NdS/545193/2022/2022, amount of funding: PLN 560,740.00.


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