The Niemodlin Forest Partnership signs agreement with UMWO

Last year the Museum, as a member of the Local Action Group Partnerstwo Borów Niemodlińskich, participated in works on developing the Local Development Strategy for 2023-2027 - our Department of Collections and Conservation employees took part in the August’s consultations in Łambinowice. Now, however, the time has come for the gratification of the teamwork taken up at that time.

At a meeting held on 14 December at the Marshal's Office, the Museum was represented by its Deputy Director, Dr. Renata Kobylarz-Buła. The main objective of the event, which was largely ceremonial in nature, was to sign cooperation agreements between the Local Action Groups (LAGs) and the Self-government of the Opole Province, represented by the Marshal Andrzej Buła and Antoni Konopka, a member of its Board. Formally, signatures were put to the so-called framework agreements, laying down the rules of granting aid to LAGs from the Opole Region, and a prior development and submission of the Strategy as a prerequisite. Applications meeting the assessment criteria were approved and selected for implementation under the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027.

We would like to congratulate the Niemodlin Forest Partnership on this achievement and declare our commitment to help implement the Strategy!

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