The 'Give Me a Memory' campaign is expanding

Conservator Mariusz Zając handed out two grave crosses to the Museum, the conservation of which was funded thanks to the 'Give Me A Memory' social campaign. This is yet another result of the cooperation with private and institutional donors initiated last year, aimed at jointly care of the cultural heritage of the Old Prisoners-Of-War Cemetery in Łambinowice.

It is noteworthy that one of the crosses was renovated thanks to the support of and Mrs. Stanisława and Mr. Edmund Borzemski, i.e. people who were professionally connected with the Museum for many years. It is gratifying to see that the emotional relationship with the memorial site (and, one might presume, with its guardian institution) still remains, and with it there is an unflagging responsibility for its state of preservation. The conservation of the second of the crosses was made possible thanks to the engagement of Czesława Szpaczyńska, therefore also a founder from the Museum's closest circle.

At this point, there are also needed to be mention donators from the vigorous NGO sector – last year, the Foundation for Heritage (Fundacja dla Dziedzictwa) joined the 'Give Me a Memory' campaign having it in mind to finance the restoration of a very special cross. The cross came from the grave of Alexander Adamiak, a Russian prisoner-of-war who died at Lamsdorf in 1917, and who was most probably of Polish origin. The cross, already restored, is possible to be seen at the Old POW Cemetery.

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