The educational session and final of the competition on 8 June!

This Tuesday, 8 June, at 9.30 a.m., our Museum is organizing another edition of the educational session Education at places of national remembrance]. This year's edition will be held under the motto: The therapeutic power of the past. Museum education for Generation Z.

The themes of the session are very much a reflection of the changes that have affected societies through the pandemic, and as a result we look to the future with concern. The session will encourage us to take a closer look at the past and treat it as a great social laboratory from which we can draw knowledge and strength to better understanding the contemporary reality. The programme includes speeches by witnesses of history (Wanda Traczyk-Stawska), historians (Iwona Cichoń, Elżbieta Góra, Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska, Dr. Anna Wickiewicz), pedagogues (Dr. Iwona Konponicka), philosophers (Dr. Marcin Pietrzak), and sociologists (among others: Prof. Anna Matuchniak-Mystkowska, Prof. Jacek Kurzępa, Dr. Anna Czerner).

The second part of the session, at noon, on the Museum's Facebook, will revolve around the eagerly awaited final of the 13th edition of the National Competition for Historical Project "Before it's not too late", which will include a short presentation of the winning projects.

The venue will take place on the Teams platform. Contact: ).

A detailed programme is attached below.

Anyone is welcome to attend!

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