Temporary exhibition offer of the Museum

During the holiday season, when cultural institutions, schools and other public establishments are planning further work, we present our offer. At the moment, we are making available twelve different mobile exhibitions prepared in recent years with the aim of disseminating questions focused on the subject of prisoners-of-war. These include both board and large-format, indoor and outdoor exhibitions.

There is plenty to choose from, as the theme is very vast. It ranges over many issues related to the fates of individuals we well as whole families: from art (theatre, painting, drawing), through sport, books, reading and religion, to social and biographical. Our offer also includes exhibitions on the history of the Memorial at Łambinowice and on the fate of various groups of prisoners-of-war, such as the Warsaw insurgents held as captives, among others, at Lamsdorf.

We make the exhibitions available free of charge, with the borrowing institution covering the cost of their transport (in case when our vehicle is used). There is also the possibility of inviting a Museum worker to give a lecture or conduct educational activities corresponding to the lent exhibition (on the day of delivery, collection or other prearranged date).

For further information, contact the Department of Education and Exhibitions of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War, by phone 77 434 34 75. Person in charge: Dominik Hadas, e-mail: d.hadas@cmjw.pl.

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