Session of the Opole Regional Assembly takes place in Łambinowice

Today, 15 June, in our seat in Łambinowice, the Commission of Science, Education, Culture and Sport of the Opole Regional Assembly met. The meeting was chaired by its chairman, Janusz Trzepizur, and the guests were received by the Director of the CMJW, Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska.

The main topic of discussion was the Museum's activities in the years 2018-2020, i.e. during the period when the institution was co-managed by the Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sport and the Opole Province authorities. The meeting started in the building at 4 Muzealna Street in Łambinowice (the former headquarters of the Wehrmacht commandant's office), and later the guests visited the area of the former Stalag 318/VIII F (344) Lamsdorf, which is it best preserved part of the camp complex from the years of World War II. The guide was the director of the Museum, who recounted the course of the extensive restoration works conducted thanks to funding from the European Union, the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sports and the Self-government of the Opole Province.

The participants of the meeting had the opportunity to cover the distance between the Museum and the site of the former stalag by melex, purchased last year also thanks to funding from the Self-Government of the Opole Province.

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