Representative of the Museum at online conference

Today, April 6, Dr. Anna Czerner from the Research Department attended the confernce Democracy in education, organised by Regionalny Zespół Palcówek Wsparcia Edukacji w Opolu [Regional Group of Educational Support Institutions in Opole].

The online event, via the MS Teams, was officially opended by Lesław Tomczak, Director of Regionalny Zespół Placówek Wsparcia Edukacji w Opolu. The conference was devided into three modules: 'lecures', 'active students' and 'inspirations for sudents and teachers'. In the first pannel, Dr. Anna Czerner delivered a lecture on Historia lubi się powtarzać? Prawa człowieka w czasie wojny i pokoju [History likes repeat itself? Human rights in time war and peace].

Besides the Museum's representative, the participants could also listen to speeches delivered by other lecturers from: Regionalny Zespołu Placówek Wsparcia Edukacji in Opole, Wyższa Szkoła Europejska [European High School], Regionalne Centrum Rozwoju Edukacji [Regional Centre for Education Development] and Opole University.

It was a very interesting initiative! Congratulations to the organizer and thank you for the invitation.


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