Presentation of the effects of restoration and construction works

The June episode of the ,,Łambinowice Museum Meetings” took part in the post camp area,  yesterday, 9 June. It was entitled Preserve for the posterity. Restoration and construction works in the site of former Stalag 318/VIII F (344) Lamsdorf

Guests, among whom were local residents, supporters of the Museum, lovers of history, and representatives of the Police, Border Guards and State Forests, arrived at the meeting place by melex or bicycles provided by the Museum. The participants were introduced to the details of the history of the site and the conservation works – together with their organization – in 2020, as well as the progress of the archaeological activities around area, by the Museum staff: Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska, the head of the Departments of Administration and Economics, Ewa Przybylska, and the head of the Department of Collections and Conservation, Elżbieta Góra. The details of the conservation and construction works, in turn, were described during a walk along the relics of the barracks, in an interesting way, by Roman Żak, a supervising inspector from INVEST sp. z o.o. The guests listened with great curiosity to the recollections of Stanisława Borzemska, retired head of the Museum Education and Exhibitions Department, who recalled what the work of museum workers looked like in the first years after she took charge of the site.

The meeting passed off in a pleasant atmosphere. Edmund Borzemski played an important part in creating it by reading out his poem about the place, published in his latest poem book Hieroglyphs of the Road.

We would like to inform everyone who is interested in our conservation and construction works, and especially those who could not attend the meeting, that a film documentary commissioned by the Museum, and made by Sławomir Mielnik, can be viewed on our YouTube channel. The material features representatives of Alta sp. z o.o., contractor of the works.

Please visit us on Facebook, where we have posted a photoreport from yesterday's event. You can find the photos here.

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