Our exhibitions in Katowice and Warsaw

Currently, two portable exhibition associated with our Museum are being presented in institutions from outside our region. One of them is related to the theme of the Wehrmacht prisoners-of-war system, the other is about the Soviet regime.

Until the end of April you can see the exhibition Not Only the Trial.... Nuremberg and Prisoners-of- War 1939-1945 at the "History Stop" in the Janusz Kurtyka Educational Centre at 21/25 Marszałkowska Street in Warsaw, in the creation of which our Museum participated as a partner of the Documentation Centre of the NSDAP Rallying Grounds in Nuremberg. The Opole's official opening took place in the autumn 2019 on the 80th anniversary of the establishment, at the site of another would-be rally, of the camps where Polish prisoners-of-war, among others, were held. The exhibition was later presented in Sztutowo and Gdańsk.

On the other hand, the exhibition Inhuman land. Polish prisoners-of-war in the USSR, prepared by our Museum, is recently presented at The Upper Silesian Pantheon at 49 A Plebiscytowa Street in Katowice. The exhibition is devoted to the NKVD special-purpose camps wherein Polish soldiers, policemen, border guards and prison officers taken prisoner by the Soviets after 17 September 1939 were interned. The exposition includes the history of the memory (and lack of it) of the Katyń Massacre – its lie, manipulation and sacrifice for the truth about it. The exhibition can be visited until 28 May 2023.

You are welcome to visit it!


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