Museum’s publications at the History Book Fair

This year’s 31st edition of the History Book Fair has gathered numerous publishers, including Polish museums, among whom is our institution, which stays very active in the field of research and publishing, producing and selling scientific and popular works, guidebooks, information books and collections of poems devoted to POW issues in the broadest sense the term.

The Book Fair takes place from 30 November to 1 December. The publishers’ stands are located in such a way that they fit very well with the unique character of the venue at The Kubicki Arcades of the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

The event is accompanied by interesting initiatives popularising history, including the recent ones, such as: a '150 years of Russian-German relations. A sum-up' conference, a summary of a series of films screened as part of the 'Poland - Russia - Germany. From the 18th to the 21st century' project, or meetings with Belarusian publishers and authors, as well as a presentation of the joint project of the Gutenberg Publishing House and the Belarusian Solidarity Centre called 'Classics of Polish literature for the Belarusian reader'. Another important item on the trade fair agenda for many years has been the announcement of the KLIO Awards winners, honouring the best historical publications on the Polish publishing market.

At this year's fair, the Museum has decided to promote a few of its publications on various topics: the book of poems 'Preserved. Anthology of poems against war', a study of 'List of German prisoner-of-war camps 1939-1945' by Renata Kobylarz-Buła and Krzysztof Sznotala. Piotr Stanek’s publication 'Witold Pilecki. Prisoner-of -War No. 101892', and the latest volumes of the "Łambinowice Museum Yearbook" and 'Sketches from the History of Lamsdorf/Łambinowice Camps...'.

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