Invitation to the Discovery Saturday (24 June)

Archaeology for everyone - this is how the project 'Science for society, society for science at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice' can be formulated, popularising this highly specialised field of knowledge among a wide audience, according to the assumptions of community archaeology, and also - to put it more universally - as part of the so-called citizen science.

This year we relaunch the archaeological research, planned in the aforementioned project, on the post-camp grounds and the war cemeteries in Łambinowice, and following this we take up educational activities of a participatory nature in order to involve more history-orientated volunteers in the work at the memorial site. However, before the proper field research with their participation begins, we encourage all adults and children to take part in archaeological workshops at the site of former Stalag 318/VIII F (344) Lamsdorf.

The meeting, during which the main role will be played by archaeologists (headed by the project leader Dr. Dawid Kobiałka), will take place this Saturday, 24 June. We will begin at 10 a.m., at the open-air exhibition 'Place with a Scar' - on this occasion those wishing to do so will be able to take a guided tour of the exhibition, and then we will move outside the exhibition to set up an archaeological dig and conduct surface surveys at a carefully selected site. The workshops are intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to the work of an archaeologist, so there will be, for example, a demonstration of how to use a drone. The youngest participants should also get ready for a little surprise.

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