Łambinowice Museum Meetings is about bats

It is the last installment of the "Łambinowice Museum Meetings" in 2022. The Wednesday evening of 7th of December will be dedicated to little inhabitants of the forest in our remembrance site – bats.

The meeting will be chaired by Dr. Grzegorz Hebda, an employee of the Institute of Biology at the University of Opole, expert at researches on bats and insects, author of over 80 scientific publications and articles, and a person very much engaged in protection of the environment of the Opole Province.

Those who participate in the meeting will have a chance to learn many interesting facts about these having the bad (wrongly!) reputation mammals which, as a result of changes to their natural habitat, are becoming increasingly rare and extremely difficult to observe. It is for this reason the "Hiber-akcja. Adaptacja zbiornika na wodę na terenie byłego poligonu w Łambinowicach na zimowisko nietoperzy z Borów Niemodlińskich" [Hiber-action. Adapting the water reservoir at the former military training ground in Łambinowice into a winter hibernation den for bats from the Niemodlin Forest] project have been having such a huge significance. The implementation of the idea was supported by archaeologists from our "Science for Society, Society for Science at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice" project team.

To the meeting "Night Hunters. Bats and their winter hibernation sites at the former Lamsdorf military training ground" you are invited by Dr. Iwona Konopnicka, President of the Association of Friends of the CMJW, and Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska, Director of the Museum. The meeting will start at 5 p.m. at the Museum in Łambinowice.

We encourage you to participate in the meeting!

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