Hush now, baby Jesus on Polish soil. Christmas Carols’ – report

Once again the Office for Cultural Events of the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) helped to retell Polish history through of the language of art in the Łambinowice church. This time by means of a concert of carols and pastorals.

Songs wrote and performed during difficult historical moments such as wars, deportations to the East, captivity or imprisonment appeared in the repertoire of the ‘Ludwik Sarski Orchestra’ ensemble, which, together with Józef Pawłowski, performed on 24 January this year in the St. Mary Magdalene Church in Łambinowice. In addition to the title song, ‘Lulajże Jezuniu na polskiej ziemi’ and ‘Kolęda łagrowa’ carol, the artists performed many traditional carols known to all, encouraging the audience to sing along, which a large part of them gladly did.

The concert programme went beyond music. It was complemented by the camp Christmas reminiscences of Halina Golczowa, a prisoner of Ravensbrück Concentration Camp, excerpts from the prose of Roman Brandstaetter and poetry (e.g. by K. K. Baczyński) presented by Józef Pawłowski, who, as an experienced film and theatre actor, also excelled in his role as the narrator.

The concert was opened and closed with short speeches by the Parish Priest, Father Piotr Bałos, who helped to organise the event, and the Deputy Director of the Museum, Dr. Renata Kobylarz-Buła. Our Museum also supported the organisation and contributed to a booklet entitled ‘The Christmas Carol of Survival’ prepared by the IPN, which includes excerpts from POWs’ accounts taken from the collections of the CMJW.


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