"Give Me a Memory" - report on the meeting

The November instalment of the "Łambinowice Museum Meetings", a little bit because of the proximity of All Saints’ Day, was supposed to draw people's attention to the collective activity called 'Give Me a Memory'. The undertaking, let us remind you, thanks to the generosity both individuals and institutional donors, allows to restore further grave crosses at the Old Prisoners-Of-War Cemetery in Łambinowice.

The meeting was opened by the Museum Director Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska, while the task of presenting the principles of the initiative and the details related to the process of conservation of crosses, was entrusted to Dawid Żak, a museum worker of the Department of Conservation and Collections. The audience had an opportunity to find out about little-known facts of the conservation work carried out with great intensity since 2013. The guests learned, for example, that the crosses differ in shape and size, decreasing in size as the First World War went on. In this way the meeting became a real journey through time, bringing a great deal of information not only about the 'Give Me a Memory' campaign itself, but also about its historical – broadly speaking – context.

The reading of one of Edmund Borzemski’s poems, a poet who is a friend of the Museum, added splendour to the event. Katarzyna Byra, a representative of the Łambinowice Commune, also spoke. This is important because the effective cooperation between the Museum and the burial authority responsible for the Łambinowice necropolis translates directly into the quality of care for this unique place.

We would like to thank our audience for coming and for the interesting discussion which concluded the meeting!


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