Feast of the Polish Armed Forces

Today’s feast presents an opportunity to extend wishes to all Polish soldiers, and especially those of them who serve in the 10th Opole Logistics Brigade. For it is this unit, belonging to the 91st Logistics Battalion from Komprachcice, which has invariably been involved in a number of activities conducted by us for years.

We can always count on the presence of its representatives at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice. It is than when we organise both study visits at the Museum and the memorial site, ceremonies commemorating the victims of prisoners-of-war camps, and more broadly, the world wars, as well as when there are conducted cleaning works on the post-camp grounds and in the area of the war cemeteries in cooperation with the Bundeswehr. This year’s edition of that interesting (essentially educational) initiative is fast approaching. It is worth following updates on our social media, as we will certainly be writing about it in detail.


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