Exhibition on the Polish Red Cross.

In front of our building in Opole, we currently present an interesting exhibition called Polish Red Cross. 100 years in service of the Motherland and people. The exhibition consists of  nine boards who depict the long and eventful history of the organisation who brings humanitarian  and medical help to the ones in need – and not only those in Poland but in many other places.

The creators of the exposition bring out attention to less known facts like: the origin of the organisation and the scale of it activity after regaining independence by Poland, but also mentions its predecessor – an organisation called Polish White Cross society, created due to affords of Ignacy Paderewsk and his wife – created to bring help to victims of First World War. Due place is also devoted to activities of the PCK during the German occupation of Poland and – exceptional on a European scale – aid activities offered to Hungary during the 1956 uprising. 

The history of the Polish Red Cross is created by the same people who are mentioned in it. Among them are prince Paweł Jan Sapieha - the initiator of the first structures of the organization, created in 1913 in Galicia, dr. Józef Bellert - the organizer of a hospital for surviving prisoners of KL Auschwitz and many others. The richly illustrated presentation can be viewed until September 4.

You are welcome to come and see it!

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