Despite everything… it was a successful Night of the Museums!

On Saturday evening (15 May), as part of the 13th edition of the Night of Museums, our seat in Opole was visited by almost 100 people. This was many times less than in previous editions, but we are satisfied nonetheless. With the stricter sanitary conditions still in place, the not so spacious premises of the Museum building in Opole would not have been able to accommodate many more. That is why we also prepared online events. And they were popular.

Already at 6 p.m., we started off with a curatorial tour of the new temporary exhibition  tour Wiosna, lato, WOJNA… Warszawa 1939 [Spring, Summer, WAR... Warsaw 1939]  prepared by the History Meeting House, which presents photographs by the American photojournalist Julien Bryan, the Polish conspirator Sylwester "Kris" Braun and the German correspondent Wilhelm Haase Lampe. The permanent exhibition Miejsce Pamięci Narodowej w Łambinowicach - dziedzictwo regionalne, narodowe, europejskie [The Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice -  local, national and European heritage ] was received with a huge interest, especially by those who visited our Museum for the first time.

The short animated picture Marian na wojnie [Marian’s War], presenting the wartime fate of Marian Walentynowicz, best known for his drawings of Koziołek Matołek [Matołek the Billy-Goat], turned out to be a good idea, especially in view of the deteriorating weather conditions on the night. Its presentation was taken then from the courtyard of the Museum to the exposition room. The internet users were offered a meeting with a journalist, reporter and war correspondent, Maria Wiernikowska. The number of questions she was asked proves that the meeting was also a good idea. A visual recording of this part of the event can be viewed on the Museum’s YouTube channel.

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