Day of the Veteran of the Overseas Operations in Łambinowice

In 2011, Parlament of the Republic of Poland established a holiday, stressing the distinction between the concept of "combatant" and "veteran", that was dedicated by the need to honour soldiers who have distinguished themselves in the overseas operations within United Nations, NATO, or European Union actions, as well as those who are members of rescue teams of the National Fire Service, contingents of the Police and Border Guard, and other officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration.

On this occasion, on May 29, a group of soldiers from the 1st Brzeg Sapper Regiment visited the Museum seat in Łambinowice. In our opinion it was a good idea, on that special day, to provide the young soldiers an opportunity to be directly confronted with the place that has witnessed numerous and very severe consequences of armed conflicts. The visitors from the Brzeg regiment viewed with attention the exhibitions and saw the educational film, receiving by that a knowledge about POW subject.

We would like to remind you that for years our Museum has been cooperating with the 10th Opole Logistics Brigade, whose soldiers regularly go on foreign military missions. Participation in such international operations is dictated by the need to protect local population, but also, among other things, to defend the interests of the Polish state against external threats while they are still far from the country's borders. On this special day, for this important prevention, would like to express our thanks!


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