'Bielice - my second home'. Report on the meeting

Yesterday, on 9 November, the guest of the November episode of the "Łambinowice Museum Meetings", Fr. Bronisław Dołhań, spoke about microhistory he was involved within, i.e. the period when he served as parish priest of St. Catherine of Alexandria's Parish in Bielice. However, his talk also included information on his childhood, adolescence and retirement which the clergyman took 11 years ago.

Father Dołhań and the numerous participants of the meeting were welcomed by the deputy director of the Museum, Dr. Renata Kobylarz-Buła, while the conversation with the former parish priest of Bielice was carried on by Michał Jakubik of the Department of Education and Exhibitions. The introduction included information about the pre- and post-war reality of Polish families in the East and his journey to the West in 1946 from Sambor upon the Dniester River to the village of Równe nearby the town of Głubczyce. However, the conversation revolved around the events of 1969-2011, i.e. the priest's life at the village of Bielice – a place that connects those who came from the Eastern Borderlands of Poland, and those who had settled there before. During the meeting there was no lack of recollections of the priest's achievements, who during his 40-year ministry became known as an efficient and energetic organizer, taking care of both the churches in Bielice and Malerzowice Wielkie and their neighborhood, and engaging in work for the benefit of the local community. Now retired, he has devoted himself to local history, which has resulted in four books on the history of Bielice and Malerzowice Wielkie, that were also presented at the meeting.

As always, the event ended with a discussion. Some participants asked the priest questions about the history of the villages near Łambinowice, others, like the Member of Parliament of the Republic of Poland Rajmund Miller, expressed their appreciation for the social activity of the priest, who is the vice-president of the Bielicki Circle of the St. Brother Albert Aid Society.

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