Association of Friends of the CMJW celebrates its 20th anniversary

At the end of December 2024 passed 20 years since the establishment of the Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War. During this time, thanks to the commitment of its members, it has been possible to implement many undertakings that have significantly contributed to the commemoration of the fate of POWs and historical education of society.

The Association was established in order to assume, as an active partner of the Museum, an important role in popularising knowledge about the history of the POW camps in Łambinowice and other sites, as well as to protect cultural heritage by, among other things, supporting the Museum in collecting and preserving items of historical interest and in scientific and research activities. This support is both subject-oriented and financial in nature, and it is worth noting that the latter has brought a substantial amount of more than PLN 250 000 over the past 20 years.

Among the numerous Museum’s events and initiatives subsidised and organised on its own or in partnership with the Association, the following are worth mentioning: educational projects, e.g. "Independence regained and lost. 1918/1939/1945/1989. The cornerstones of family memory" (2019), "War, captivity and duels on words" (2021), "Was it so? Check!" (2022); competitions aim at young people (historical and recitation ones); exhibitions (permanent: "Polish prisoners-of-war in the USSR" and temporary: "Portraits of Prisoners-of-War"), culture series ("Łambinowice Museum Meetings" and "Faces of Opole"); publications, e.g. "The camps in Lamsdorf/Łambinowicach (1870-1946)", "Captivity in the shadow of the Alps. Oflag VII A Murnau" and conferences, such as: "The Jews - Polish soldiers in German captivity" or the educational session "If not memory, then what? Education at places of national remembrance" (twice).

In recent years, the Association has also financially supported, among other things: the organisation of the "Prayer of Peace" concert, the coordination of the "Give me a Memory" campaign of restoration of crosses in the Old POW Cemetery and the conservation treatment of a copy of the Bible from Stalag VIII B Lamsdorf.

There are more years of intensive activity ahead of the Association of Friends of the CMJW. To make that to be as effective as possible, public support is needed. This can be done in several ways: by joining as a member, by making a financial donation (see below for details), or helping as a volunteer - e.g. to organise events, conduct research or look after the Museum's collections.

And for now - thank you for 20 years together!

Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Centralnego Muzeum Jeńców Wojennych
[The Association of Friends of the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War]
ul. Minorytów 3, 45-017 Opole
Bank account: PL 64 1240 5178 1111 0010 8213 2324
NIP: 754-27-84-757


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