Another project has received funding

The project Science for Society, Society for Science at the Site National Remembrance in Łambinowice has been entered on the list of projects financed from the programme Science for Society by of the Minister of Education and Science. An agreement has yet been reached. The key part of the projects is a comprehensive inventory and mapping of the preserved material remains of the Lamsdorf/Łambinowice camps from 1870-1946.

The history of the Lamsdorf camps is pretty well known – it has been the subject of study for several decades. However, the totality of historical sources is not good enough to allow fully reconstruct how the camp area looked like. To achieve this gole, there might be helpful the most modern methods of archaeological research, such as LIDAR technology, supported by historical analysis and contemporary aerial photographs, satellite imagery, and preserved plans, drafts, postcards or photographs taken at the camp sites.

This is a cross-disciplinary project. It also involves an active involvement of the local community in the research process. And it is volunteers who will be involved in surface research and excavations. It is also assumed that an important part in the work will be played by archival researches and experience of professional historians who deal with the subject of captivity in Łambinowice on a daily basis.

We have received a grand of 560, 740 PLZ for this the Museum’ two-year project, in which the Poznan archaeological community is heavily involved.

We encourage you to follow our website on where we are going to report on the progress of works.

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