Temporary exhibitions
he temporary exhibition Anders's Artists
"War does not have a woman's face" stated Svetlana Aleksievich. And we can add: "even less of an artist". For what can beauty, delicacy, sublime ways of expression have in common with the coarseness of crime, the terrifying power of destruction and the immensity of human suffering? Is there, then, a place for artists in war? History proves that there is, and moreover, often the presence of musicians, visual artists and actors helps soldiers to detach themselves from the harsh reality of the frontline. It helps to preserve humanity.
We would like to bring closer to you the extraordinary role of wartime artists in the board exhibition Anders's Artists – the stage and platform, presented in our Opole seat, enriched with numerous exhibits from the District Museum of Głubczyce Land and the Prudnik Region Museum. Who was Józef Jarema? When was the first exhibition of works by the artists from Anders’s Army held? How did the artists cope with the lack of materials? What did the regent of Iraq have in common with them? We assure you that thanks to this exhibition you will look from a different angle at the Anders Army's combat trail.
The exhibition is open to the public from 3 July to 31 August, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You are cordially invited to visit it!