Sandra Anderson has passed away

Sad news have reached our Museum. On Monday, 23 January 2023, died Sandra Anderson, the daughter of William John May, a British prisoner-of-war at Stalag VIII B Lamsdorf. She was a donor to our Museum, who put her trust in, and bestowed friendship on us, but also supported our work.

Sandra Anders (born 23 May 1951) visited the Museum and the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice twice, in 2018 and 2019. It was then when she made a decision to donate to our collection her father's prisoner-of-war memorabilia: a collection of photographs, parts of a uniform and William John May's documents. She took part in anniversary commemorations of the liberations of Stalag 244 Lamsdorf and classes with young people, during which she was recognized as a person who was concerned for the memory of her father's prisoners-of-war fate. She also supported the Museum with a financial donation.

The fate of William John May was featured in the fourth episode of our film series "...but that's a different story 2" entitled "Smell of a Bread". It wouldn't have been made if not for the involvement of Sandra Anderson, who can also be heard in it.

Sandra, thank you for everything. We will miss you...


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