12th episode of the …but that’s a different story now series

A tattered notebook with yellowed pages filled with small handwriting, folded in half to fit into a holder... this is the description of Roman Bratny's keepsake about what is the 12th episode of the film series ...but that's a different story now. It is entitled A notebook in a blanket pocket.

The notebook, together with a dog tag from Stalag 344 Lamsdorf, where the future author of the novel The Columbuses. Year 20 was taken to as a participant of the Warsaw Uprising, has been in the Museum's collection since 2015. How did it end up there? Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska, director of the institution, speaks about it in the film. The authenticity of the mementoes of, as Stefan Kisielewski described Bratny: ,,a consistent chronicler of the present day”, is also confirmed in the film by the writer's wife, who recalls her husband's wartime and post-war fate as well as the history of the notebook.

Let’s remind you that this is the last instalment of the series prepared at the end of 2020 thanks to funding from the 'Culture Available' programme of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The twelve episodes, presented this year on every last Monday of the month, were produced, according to the concept of Dr. Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska, by Sławomir Mielnik.

Our project was met with considerable public interest. Posts on Facebook, via which we published individual episodes, which got to an audience estimated, on average, at 3,000 thousand each time. The other people read the material later, also on the Museum's YouTube channel, where it is still available.

You are welcome to watch this year's last episode, refresh the previous ones, but also wait for the new ones in 2022.

Odcinek 1. Szkatułka z oflagu

Odcinek 2. Wszechmocna Pani

Odcinek 3. Mateczki wojenne

Odcinek 4. Do wujcia Generała

Odcinek 5. Portret polskiego oficera

Odcinek 6. Karykaturzysta ze stalagu

Odcinek 7. Szkice Danilowa

Odcinek 8. Breloczek Nefretete

Odcinek 9. Pierścień z trzonka szczoteczki do zębów

Odcinek 10. Biżuteria z niewoli

Odcinek 11. Historia kawałka materiału

Odcinek 12. Notatnik w kieszeni z koca

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